Please let me introduce myself

Hi, I am with an aspergers guy and have been for seven years, we are going through a very difficult time due to it.  I am stuck at home all day on my own  - we have no friends or family in the area, so I never see other people or speak to them.  I work online on my computer, but I CANNOT do much because I am physically disabled.

My guy is at work all day and then comes in and does not talk much, when he is at work he is surrounded by loads of people and gets lots of emails texts and phone calls from customers and other workers, when he does talk it ls about the weather, what is on television and all that stuff.

He never ever wants to talk about anything that matters / us.

I told him that I have been getting so bored and lonely that I started to chat on some forums and rang an anxiety helpline.

He has no idea of how bored and lonely I am.

He will not listen about it, he just does not get it. So he finds fault with it saying he cannot understand what the point is to going in the forums or chatting in a chat room.

I am here for maybe eight hours a day bored to tears. That is what the point is.  It is better than being more lonely and bored.

I tell hm and he still cannot se it and finds fault.

I am sick of being bored and lonely and sick of him finding fault with me doing what I can about it. 

  • I would take a guess as follows

    he is coming home very tired and is not capable of much when he gets home.  You are getting cabin fever and more and more upset.


    reply to me - with a list of things you want him to do to fix you. No more than 10 please. no more than one sentence per item. 

  • I would take a guess as follows

    he is coming home very tired and is not capable of much when he gets home.  You are getting cabin fever and more and more upset.


    reply to me - with a list of things you want him to do to fix you. No more than 10 please. no more than one sentence per item. 

  • Hi Aidie, thanks for your reply.  No he is not tired when he gets in, he is bright and breezy and eager to chat away to whoever, often making phone calls all evening to family and stuff. He thrives on it. Its why he does the job he does and runs a club.  We go out sometimes. I am physically disabled,  hence stuck at home a lot on my own and not able to do much physically. I used to own my own business with a lot of staff and chatting to clients all day. I like chatting. I like interacting with peole. I miss it.

    So because I was alone and bored all day I started tol post on forums, chat in chat rooms,  just to pass the time and interact with people.  It made the day go a bit quicker and meant I wasnt relying on him for all of my interaction and company.

    But when I told him he got very judgmental and cold about it. Going on about how it was a waste of time and pointless.

    This is quite ridiculous as he spends a lot more time than me on just chatting to people - and he is much busier than me.  I need to chatter during that eight hours to get some sort of interaction and fill the time. He already has lots of things to keep him busy, phone calls and meets etc which I dont have.

    He is so dismissive about it, you would think I have started to take drugs or break the law, it is just a way to make that eight hours pass better and he will not accept it.  He is being a hypocrite. He spends more time chatting about nothing in a day than I do in a week. 

  • allow people to message you from here and u can talk to us !