New here

Hi, I've just joined. I'm 21 and believe I may be autistic. I would ideally like to seek a diagnosis. Anyone have any advice on how to bring up the subject with family and friends as I've never spoken about it to anyone before.

  • I read loads and loads of books and this helped me understand the common traits and see some of them in myself. The kids books All Cats Have Aspergers and Inside Asperger Looking Out really really helped as I really identified my childhood self in them. It gave the basis to talk to my sister on her memory of me as a child. The adult stuff was harder cos I've found really good coping strategies so was confused if I suffered from traits or not, but in time I've come to see them better. Aspergirls is the most helpful book I've found so far, but I hope to read better ones too.

    Doing the online Asperger Quotient Test was an important milestone for me as my score validated that it was worth me continuing to investigate and helped me start to talk to people. It then all kinda came tumbling out and people pointed out quirks and thinking patterns I didn't even know I had! I'm slowly coming to terms with it.

  • welcome :) I think it's best to speak to the doctor first and see what they say x

  • hi,

    welcome to the forumn. 

    It is very hard to predict how people react to the fact you think you are Autistic

    it will range from "Are n't we all a bit autistic" ( indifference) to shock  and horror. you  would think such a thing ( your mom perhaps )  to AHHHH that explains things more.

    I told no one hile going for a diagnosis. One year after my diagnosis I havent told 99% of the people I work with because I cant tell how they will treat me after they know. 

    How and when you tell others has to be judged by you because each family is different.  This is the most difficult part of the path of getting a diagnosis. 

    I suggest asking your mum what you where like when you where young. She knows you best followed by any siblings

    Ask her "Did you make friends when you where young"

    Ask her "Did you show autistic traits  or was she concerned about your behaviour when in primary school"

    If that doesnt sound possible ask any brother and sisters you have if your behaviour was different from others your age,

    How close are your friends  ?  I consider a diagnosis personal and not something everyone/anyone needs to know.  Unless they have suspected you as being autistic / eccentric /odd. and said something along those lines to you.