Our son is 33 has ASD and non verbal


just need advice our son Robert is 33 has ASD, Challenging Behaviour and is pre verbal. He has lived in a small residential for 16years he only left home because to be honest his size and his behaviour which became challenging when he suffered from PTS caused by his school. 
We have kept a good relationship with him and before Covid we saw him at least 3 times per week.

We have now not seen Robert for over 5 months,after several emails and involving our local MP Priory Group who run Levitt Mill where he lives are finally agreeing to let us meet him in the grounds.
Has anyone else had this experience, we are worried that the visit will not work but are desperate to see him. The staff who actually work with him are fantastic and have told us that he is getting upset we don’t know what to do, our FaceTime lasts a minute as you can imagine being pre verbal limits it’s use

We have requested a visiting plan, we has not appeared yet, so would be grateful for any adu

  • When I read your post, it had me thinking of an advocacy(?) group called John's Campaign.

    It's not to do with autism but the group has been covering similar(?) ground. That is campaigning to allow vulnerable people to be visited by their loved ones.

    Their blog may be useful to read over to see how people are overcoming battles to see their loved ones:

    John's Campaign is about people with dementia (I think?). I wish I could find/know of an autism related group but I share this in case there's some crossover which might help you with seeing your son.

    I hope someone will join the discussion and post some additional help/advice.

    Best wishes

  • When I read your post, it had me thinking of an advocacy(?) group called John's Campaign.

    It's not to do with autism but the group has been covering similar(?) ground. That is campaigning to allow vulnerable people to be visited by their loved ones.

    Their blog may be useful to read over to see how people are overcoming battles to see their loved ones:

    John's Campaign is about people with dementia (I think?). I wish I could find/know of an autism related group but I share this in case there's some crossover which might help you with seeing your son.

    I hope someone will join the discussion and post some additional help/advice.

    Best wishes
