Senior Moment Part 2

I'm The Poster formerly known as Senior Moment. That, of course, indicates that I am a fairly old fart who only recently crawled out from under the spectrum boulder. Still feel remarkably young, however!

I've re-registered under a different moniker because it looks as if our old IDs have died; and I seem to remember a communication from NAS a few weeks ago that this would happen.

Will the old IDs ever return I wonder? And are the old posts still available to view and comment on?

I haven't got far enough into this new regime to figure out the answers to such questions yet. 

  • Thanks! I may have arrived at a time when the forum was 'down'. I might eventually get around to trying the old moniker again.

    Actually, I can now see that it is possible to just change the name on the profile; which I've already partly done. And eventually I'll trim it back to its original form. OK, so I'm thus unlikely to get any feedback on my old posts, but they probably don't deserve it, and I am unlikely to miss them. This forum has a massive turnover.

    So it looks like I will soon be back to my old trick of acting as the Kiss of Death poster on dated strings. ;-) (Sorry, in advance, if I thus deliver any fatal blows to subjects which are close to your own hearts). 

  • I'm not leaving just yet. Thanks for a bit of appreciation. I have no kids and have had a rather meagre career history, so don't feel too well placed to offer welcome & advice. And perhaps more to the point, I have a long history of soldiering on and continually attempting to fix my own life.

    Your posts are always interesting! :-)

  • dont know how DC () came to that conclusion  Slight smile   


Reply Children
  • I realised soon after reopening the account that it was possible for posters to change the profile name by themselves, and so decided to gradually revert to something a bit shorter and closer to the original than The Poster FKA Senior Moment. (TP FKA SM, for short.)

    What I hadn't bargained for was that each post is still listed with the profile name at the time of posting. That's why we have a number of posts here under three different names. I reckon I must have already deleted the few posts as TP FKA SM; probably because I thought it might reduce reader confusion. 

    Sorry DC and Aidie about the resulting chaos!. I can only say that I have frequently found the numerous foibles of this forum (both old & new) quite confusing myself. (And I have some experience with the admin and moderation of Bulletin Boards/Forums.)

    I suppose, though, that NAS are trying out a few different forum strategies as a means to defeat the numerous online vultures that haunt this locale.

  • Its ok DC. You made a mistake. No one has been hurt. It's good  to laugh at yourself once in a while.


  • ...Because this is all so very embarrassing/annoying, I reply to Myself. I began this sub-chatter, yet only now see how to end it...

    I have trouble using the NAS SEARCH now. So instead, back through a Browser/WWW search, I accessed an older NAS thread. So I *now* know that Senior Moment is now just Senor. Upon this Thread there is still just two: Senor Moment and Senor. 

    Mr Senior Moment/Senor, congratulations upon being able to re-access your old account through this current (Tablet) Chaos. Slight smile  I wait to see how many other Old Associates also make it through. (!) I meant what I said about Senior and Senor though, yet Mr.Aidie is correct, You do as You want, Yes Thank You for being here very much.

    ...I am going off to 'tut' very loudly at Myself, now... (!) 'Bye & Good Fortune To All Good People!

    (...Yet - as I try to Post this reply I get signed off without warning??! *Nnngh*… However, as far as this Thread is concerned, I leave posting here for now... Old Tablets are as if unwelcome in this Forum, since the Update..!?)

  • I'll let   AKA   speak for himself he's a big boy now


  • (This is Me, still not signed off, not chatting...?)

    ...I always wondered & liked the idea of being MOMENTARILY a Senior.

    But Senor reminds Me of Senor / Sen-ee-orr (With an accent which My keyboards cannot access!), The Spanish for "Mr" which means any Man of any age. I liked the Senior meaning "older". (Wiser..)

    ...I still see Senor and Senor Moment. So will NAS be able to help the original Senior Moment...?

  • Phew! saved by   AKA  ..............  is  happy ??


  • In fact, I used to be Senior Moment in the old days. When I found I could no longer access that account, I made a new one initially labelled The Poster FKA Senior Moment; with this string labelled as Senior Moment Part 2 to ensure some continuity. But NAS appears to be aware of this, because they have a record of email address. So I eventually decided to shorten the monniker to Senor Moment, and eventually also just Senor (which I also use elsewhere on the ND web). You can actually modify your own poster name on the profile of this site.

    Sorry for the confusion!. The idea was to connect my old & new IDs. But now I like the brevity and simplicity of SENOR/SENIOR. It even communicates quite a lot about how I take comfort in at least some things in my life remaining fairly constant. Nevertheless, variety is the spice of life. 

  • ...To Aidie... Either My Tablet is going NUTS or am I seeing two Senors thinking of 3 now...? (also - what conclusion might You mean...)

    There is the OP, which is Senor Moment.

    You last reply to someone called Senor.

    All of this upon a Thread which I assumed was from Mr. Senior Moment.

    Amyone else seeing all of this? WebPM *please* say something...