New to this forum; diagnosed as autistic in January 2020


I'm Ess Cee (which as you'll probably guess means my initials are SC). Correct!

I'd be interested in sharing experience with people newly diagnosed as adults. For me, it was no surprise (I've suspected it for a long time) but it was a 'shock'. Maybe I am just very good at pretending to be neurotypical. How exhausting that is! It's really a tremendous relief to start letting some of the autism out . . .

  • Hi Ess Cee and welcome,

    I'm also new to this forum (and joined after it was recommended to me) and I was diagnosed 31 days ago with Asperger's (also as an adult, who expected that outcome) and it wasn't shocking to me (perhaps because I didn't hide the fact that ACC was affecting my behaviour, to begin with).

  • Hi Ess Cee and welcome,

    I'm also new to this forum (and joined after it was recommended to me) and I was diagnosed 31 days ago with Asperger's (also as an adult, who expected that outcome) and it wasn't shocking to me (perhaps because I didn't hide the fact that ACC was affecting my behaviour, to begin with).

  • Hi NAS67708, TX for reply :-) What is ACC?

    I've always tried to act 'normal', particularly for work purposes - and I've been fortunate enough, at least latterly, to find jobs that I could do in my own time and at my own pace. Sometimes it has felt more like a square peg in a round hole and just as uncomfortable as that sounds.

    I hope you are feeling relieved that your expectations - that you are indeed autistic - are resulting in lots of positive energy and confidence. Lots of creative people are autistic so what's not to like?

    Every good wish

    Ess Cee