New and saying hello


I’m new and just wanted to introduce myself. I was diagnosed with Aspergers in March after a very long journey. A 49 year one actually so it came as a relief to finally make sense of a life of confusion or I could say always being confused about life.

As a female I have discovered through the diagnosis process that I had become an expert at masking and camouflage to the point which I came to in 2012 of complete nervous breakdown and not even knowing who I was. I went through many tests at hospitals as I was so unwell and eventually diagnosed with M.E or chronic fatigue in 2017.

Being so fatigued all the time I didn’t have the energy to mask anymore. I became seriously depressed and was referred to a clinical psychologist and it was during the sessions that she spoke to me about Aspergers and referred me for assessment. I was on a waiting list for 3 years but got there in the end.

Even though the last few years have been stressful and I have felt very lost at times. I do feel now that I understand myself better and why my life has been one of living in a state of high anxiety lost most of the time. Why I found running my own business easier than working for someone as I could control it, and why I usually feel like an atmospheric sponge after spending time with others and have to then recover for days or end up with a migraine. Why I am pedantic about everything and I mean everything and why I am absolutely always right  Blush Why relationships have always been full of misunderstanding and intensity. However on a positive note I got married when I was 42 to someone who accepts my quirky ways.

Anyway that’s probably enough for now. It’s great to meet you all and I am happy to share my experiences leading to diagnoses if it can help anyone else.

  • Hello Free to be me,

    Welcome to the forum chat Slight smile sounds like you’ve had quite a journey so far. But like you say, finding out more about yourself through the diagnosis, sounds like it’s made things make sense more? I think quite a few people can relate to that. Hope you find the community chat helpful Slight smile

  • Hi TelNorfolk

    Thankyou for your reply and lovely welcome. I’m guessing your user name maybe where you live or come from. I’m a Norfolk gal too. 
    I’m looking forward to reading more of the community chat threads as it’s nice to find out the experiences others have had. 

  • Hi TelNorfolk

    Thankyou for your reply and lovely welcome. I’m guessing your user name maybe where you live or come from. I’m a Norfolk gal too. 
    I’m looking forward to reading more of the community chat threads as it’s nice to find out the experiences others have had. 

  • Yes definitely, it’s good to be on here to get advice, or maybe try to give some advice. Or just to have a general chat about stuff Slight smile feels good to be able to chat about things without feeling like someone might judge you. Yeah I’m in Norfolk Slight smile lovely sunny day here today Sunny