Hi There

Hi There All

I was diagnosed with ASD (Asperger's)  in March and it was no surprise to me as I've always felt and acted differently to everyone around me... Even tho it's taken until the age of 31 finally to get others to notice the problems that I have with social interaction and learning difficulties. I spend most of my time with my neurotypical daughter who is just to turn 4 and am finding it difficult to explain to her why mummy cant do the things like going to the park or take her anywhere on my own without my own mother having to be with us due to the fact I get so flustered and anxious when I'm out of my own home.

Has anyone got any advice or been in my place as to how I explain to her in terms in which she might possibly understand as I'm not very good with words? 

Thanks for reading my post and hope to hear from you soon 

  • Hello there,

    It must be really difficult. Like I said to someone the other day on here, I haven’t got kids myself, so I don’t feel I’m in a position to give great advice. But there will be people on here that will be able to offer you advice I’m sure. But the best connection you can give your daughter is love, and I’m sure you give her lots of that. So she will appreciate that more than anything. Take care.

  • Hi TelNorfolk 

    Thank you for your reply. I give her lots of love even when she is driving me mad lol. 

    Take care 

Reply Children
  • Relaxed That’s the best thing anyone can give. The great thing with this community chat is you can always ask others for advice and help. And from what I’ve seen so far, people are very friendly and helpful on here. Maybe speak to you on another subject soon. Take care Relaxed