Hi - Recently diagnosed and wanting to chat with others with ASD.


I was diagnosed with ASD (Asperger's) in January this year and am struggling to process what this means and how it has impacted my life to date. Having masked until the ripe old age of 32, I feel that there is so much my neurotypical friends and family don't understand. I would love to chat about life with ASD, aspirations and self-esteem amongst other things.

I look forward to getting to know you... and so does my dog (and special interest) Princess.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I hope you're well.

    Any top tips on coming to accept a diagnosis and the limitations of autism? 

    What about good ways of continuing to have aspirations and being able to explain to others that my aspirations might be different, but no less worthy...

    Sometimes I just feel like an alien on the wrong planet!!! Does that make sense?

    Have a good weekend and enjoy the sunshine (from home of course).

    Take care.

    : 0 )

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