Hi - Recently diagnosed and wanting to chat with others with ASD.


I was diagnosed with ASD (Asperger's) in January this year and am struggling to process what this means and how it has impacted my life to date. Having masked until the ripe old age of 32, I feel that there is so much my neurotypical friends and family don't understand. I would love to chat about life with ASD, aspirations and self-esteem amongst other things.

I look forward to getting to know you... and so does my dog (and special interest) Princess.

  • Always happy to chat, feel free to send me a message... or even have Princess send the message if her paws are allowed near the keyboard :-p

  • Hi Anthony,

    Thanks for your lovely message. I hope your days been ok.

    I definitely don't think I'll let Princess near the keyboard - she's an English Bull Terrier, so not petit and delicate!!!

    How do you find living with autism? I feel that in some ways it gives me a logic and attention to detail that others cant obtain, but at the same time I get so frustrated by the anxiety and inability to understand and cope with complicated social relationships and to be able to hold down a full time job.

    What do you enjoy doing in your spare time and dare I say it, but do you have a special interest?

    Take care and enjoy the sunshine (from home of course).

    : 0 )

  • Hi Anthony,

    Thanks for your lovely message. I hope your days been ok.

    I definitely don't think I'll let Princess near the keyboard - she's an English Bull Terrier, so not petit and delicate!!!

    How do you find living with autism? I feel that in some ways it gives me a logic and attention to detail that others cant obtain, but at the same time I get so frustrated by the anxiety and inability to understand and cope with complicated social relationships and to be able to hold down a full time job.

    What do you enjoy doing in your spare time and dare I say it, but do you have a special interest?

    Take care and enjoy the sunshine (from home of course).

    : 0 )

  • Hello again :) Hope you and Princess are well!

    The lockdown is eating away at me because it’s destroyed any sense of routine. The loneliness thing however is a strange one with me - I am not a socialite but at the same time I wish I had a few more friends to talk to. Not having a pet means that on the odd occasions I am sociable I feel I am missing out on essential human contact.

    With history, 19th and 20th century Britain is my main area of interest, notably the industrial revolution and related themes. I am also really interested in looking at social shifts within this period - essentially asking why the culture, values and norms of society change. I’m starting a project on that at the moment - looking at the shift in views towards capital punishment, I.e what drove the change from it being a form of public entertainment to them being done behind closed doors then abolished and why initially the punishment was about pain and suffering whereas now days society seeks ‘humane’ executions. The project isn’t about the morbid side of death, rather what drove the changes within society. I’m also doing some local history for the town I’ve moved to.

    writing is always a good thing to DJ and I think you are right in not showing it to others until you are ready. What themes and topics do you write on?


  • Hi Anthony,

    I hope you're ok and got to enjoy Easter and the sunshine, despite the lockdown.

    I can relate to the analytical approach, as although I'm not tecnical, I have been able to logically script and analyse relationships and this helps me greatly. Saying that though, I often feel unmet and misunderstood and even used by my friends who fail to see my challenges and how they could help. Maybe I am too intense, but I find inconsistent and sometimes very self focused communication frustrating and anxiety provoking.

    I find social history and sociology interesting, but wouldn't class it a special interest. It sounds like you like to think a lot; this is something I can relate to and which is sometimes a gift, but also often a curse - do you sometimes wish you could not think so much and be more spontaneous and not pick interactions to pieces? Are there particular periods of history that interest you?

    Like I said, I enjoy spending time with my English Bull Terrier, Princess. I also enjoy walking and sports including squash and badminton. I do some writing, but I don't let most my friends know, as they probably wouldn't see the point or would want me to share it and I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet.

    How are you coping with the lockdown? I don't find being at home too lonely, but do feel anxious about so many unknowns regarding length of measures etc and also practical issues like not being able to get delivery slots when I find supermarkets triggering at the best of times.

    Take care and stay safe.


  • Hi, sorry for the slow reply - the notifications aren’t working Disappointed

    For me the analytical approach to everything I do is something I really like because I don’t take things at face value or accept that things happen “just because” but overall I don’t cope too well... I am a social disaster, and really struggle to make and/or keep friendships which in turn impacts wellbeing. Overall how do you feel you cope?

    My interests are aviation and history mostly. I’m also interested in abstract approaches to life - I.e things which go against the “norm”. I also love picking apart issues which divide society and understanding why people hold the views they do. In short I’m a bit of a bore. What interests you?
