Benefits of diagnosis

Hi. I'm a 39 year old female, married with 3 children and a professional job. With the increased awareness generally of autism, a couple of people pointed out to me that I may be on the spectrum. When reading about it, everything made sense and I'm feeling pretty annoyed no one noticed it during my childhood as it was tough! 

I'm getting on OK now but have some mental health problems and obviously don't deal well with social situations.

I'm wondering if there's any point in going for a diagnosis now and if that would really make any difference to my life.

Parents Reply Children
  • To be fair, actors are becoming more and more alike Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard or Michael Sheen and Andy Serkis.

  • ha yes I have that problem too - I am never quite sure whether the same person is in two scenes or whether they have introduced a new character! It can be embarassing, mainly because people get offended if you don't recognise them. I think they think it's because they left no impression on you, when in fact it's just because they look like everybody else to you!