Help with autistic partners mood swings and meltdowns


My partner has autism we have been living together for 2 years but we have been having a few relationship problems in terms of meltdowns and mood swings. My partner doesn't communicate with me problems he is having and I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any strategies to deal with this.

  • First of all your partner isn't having "mood swings" and "meltdowns" the most appropriate term is "Autistic Breakdown" the least you can do is give your partner space when they are having one; especially if you don't know what you are doing or if you fear your actions might make the breakdown worse.  

    Allow the breakdown to subside; let your partner recover from it and; the most appropriate thing you can do is ask them what triggers the breakdowns; listen to them and then act accordingly; help prevent these breakdowns in the first place because it's not good for them, you, or your relationship; and be as loving and as understanding as you possibly can in the event of the breakdown.

    If the partner see's you or the relationship itself as the cause of these breakdowns; (I am speaking from experience) then  re-evaluate your relationship with them; re-evaluate how you treat them when they are not having a breakdown; re-evaluate your interactions with them.

    I am appalled you actually called them "mood swings" and "meltdowns" you are talking about a special needs person; not someone who is mentally ill.  I'd also re-evaluate why you got with someone on the Autism Spectrum in the first place.  If your partner isn't communicating with you; there's a good reason for it other than the fact the are on the Autism Spectrum.

  • Woah!

    ive only just joined this group but I thought the purpose was to educate and support each other. Your reply is judgemental and shaming, and while you may make a fair point the way you’ve gone about it is worrying. If this kind of thing is ok, this is not a place I want to be.... and this wasn’t even my post!

  • Woah!

    ive only just joined this group but I thought the purpose was to educate and support each other. Your reply is judgemental and shaming, and while you may make a fair point the way you’ve gone about it is worrying. If this kind of thing is ok, this is not a place I want to be.... and this wasn’t even my post!

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