Newly Diagnosed as an Adult

Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with ASD around a month ago, in my 20s. I'm feeling quite alone and at sea with the new diagnosis, especially since there seems to be no post-diagnostic support or local groups where I live, so thought I'd make an account and say hi. I hope you're all doing okay today.

  • Hello, welcome Floss!

    I was diagnosed a few months ago (age 31) and know the absolute rollercoaster of emotions it can bring! Keep talking and keep processing, YOU haven’t changed but hopefully you’ve got a bit more of an explanation for why things are the way they are x

  • Thank you, that's really kind. You're right that I haven't changed, but I do feel that the very few people I've told are treating me as though I have changed, which makes it hard. I already feel like I don't want to tell anyone about it because I don't want them treating me differently or using it against me like that. But it does definitely explain a hell of a lot and makes sense of so many things that previously didn't make much sense to me.

  • Well with time I am sure that they will become more normal about it. I've had more social struggles since my diagnosis than in several years as I have been so upset about the diagnosis and I have driven my friends half crazy. It has been a really difficult time and it is a HUGE thing to come to terms with. 

  • Well with time I am sure that they will become more normal about it. I've had more social struggles since my diagnosis than in several years as I have been so upset about the diagnosis and I have driven my friends half crazy. It has been a really difficult time and it is a HUGE thing to come to terms with. 

  • It's just so weird after being academically quite gifted - and my unwarranted and somewhat shameful pride in that fact - to come to terms with the fact that I actually have what is essentially to my mind a kind of learning disability. It's strange... but I hope that it will make me a better person really. It has already forced me to challenge some of my negative preconceptions. 

  • Yeh you're definitely right about it being a huge thing to come to terms with and it's even harder when you don't really have anyone to talk to about it either, or people just aren't interested.