Newly Diagnosed as an Adult

Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with ASD around a month ago, in my 20s. I'm feeling quite alone and at sea with the new diagnosis, especially since there seems to be no post-diagnostic support or local groups where I live, so thought I'd make an account and say hi. I hope you're all doing okay today.

  • So what was your first symptom for autism?

  • Quite a lot of symptoms really. I'm still at the stage where I'm coming to realise that all sorts of things that I just thought were "normal" are actually autism-related eg. insanely good hearing, sense of touch, taste, smell etc. I hadn't realised that other people don't do the amount of thinking and analysing I do in social situations, it just comes intuitively to them, or that other people don't notice the amount of detail I notice in the world around me. The assessment really came up because I was a facing a massive change and I wasn't coping with it well at all, so that's when people started to suspect that maybe my extreme reaction could mean I was autistic and apparently they were right. Still very much trying to get my head around the idea though! 

  • alright! 

    So you are in your 20s and just got diagnosed with autism. 

    Well welcome to the forum, I am Adrian and is an autistic teen boy who loves disney characters very much. I also have some OCD as well.

    so tell me what it was like growing up for you?

  • I think in a way we can be more enlightened, or at least far less influenced by social norms that don't really have any basis in logic or fact. Things people just do because it's the way it's always been done or because it's the way other people do it. I think we're far more likely to question "well, why should we do it that way?" I definitely think that's a strength rather than a weakness, it's just that other people aren't very open to it and don't like being questioned on it much.

  • Hi Floss. I relate so strongly to everything you have said on here. Well apart from the horses, I think they're kinda scary (in a pretty way) but I also enjoy history and languages and excelled at school and was bullied for it. I had kind of forgotten about that. The ADOS assessor asked why I was bullied and I drew a slight blank but that was actually a major factor. Also my upfront refusal to follow certain social rules (particularly gender based ones, or like the expectation to be patriotic) and my vocal opposition to them. It's really funny to think that's autism related, I just thought it was that I was more enlightened than everyone else! Sometimes it is hard to understand why autism is seen as a disorder. 

  • I'm going with Floss on here. :) I've had some therapy in the past, but the autism diagnosis is brand new for me so I haven't had any therapy that's taken that into account yet (which might be why the therapy I have had hasn't worked very well). Have you had any? I really like medieval history and I can speak/read Spanish, French, Catalan, Portuguese, and a bit of Latin. 

  • floss, since you told me you loves hisotry and language, what language can you speak? And for history, what kind of history do you like and how would you entertaint yourself with history?

Reply Children
  • I'm going with Floss on here. :) I've had some therapy in the past, but the autism diagnosis is brand new for me so I haven't had any therapy that's taken that into account yet (which might be why the therapy I have had hasn't worked very well). Have you had any? I really like medieval history and I can speak/read Spanish, French, Catalan, Portuguese, and a bit of Latin.