Should we diagnose?

I am a woman in her 40’s and I suspect my 10 year old son may have autism. I would have said Aspergers but realise that is no longer a diagnosis. I have been researching autism trying to decide if there would be any advantage in a having him diagnosed. I wonder if it would help him understand himself and who he is in the world more or if it would just be a label people misread. During my research it struck me quite unexpectedly that I am Autistic. Well I believe I am and wonder if a diagnosis would help me also. I have always wondered what the hell was going on with me in the world and realising I may be Autistic gave me a great feeling of relief and also a bit of grief for all the time wasted wondering what the hell was going on. Looking back it seems obvious now. I didn’t talk until I was 3 and then spoke in sentences. I’ve always been socially awkward and one of my worst fears in life is small talk. Anyway, I guess that’s it, I don’t want my son to wonder what’s “wrong” with him if a diagnosis could tell him what is different about him instead. Is a diagnosis helpful?

  • Hi there, I’m a 38 year old woman, diagnosed with Aspergers at the end of last year. I do believe that some assessment centres are still diagnosing Aspergers until the ICD-11 comes into effect fully in 2022. Although some have already switched over to the single diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It just depends on the centre and the preference of the clinician as to which manual they use as a diagnostic tool. It’s not uncommon, after realising that one family member is autistic to then realise it about other family members too. Once I realised my own autism, I also realised it in my eldest daughter, my youngest has global developmental delay and there is definitely autism in the mix there, my mother, uncle, cousin, etc. It’s a bit of an odd ‘lightbulb moment’ when you realise that you yourself are autistic though isn’t it? Suddenly everything makes complete sense! Personally I would say that getting your son diagnosed would be helpful, it should, in theory, also enable you to get some level of support for him at school, if he ever needs it. It might help him if he goes onto higher education and needs to access disabled students services. Of course it will also help him to understand himself. There are still times now that I wish that I’d been diagnosed when I was a child so that I hadn’t ended up spending my whole life wondering what on earth was the matter with me. Hope this answer helps. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  • Thanks for your reply. You are so right about the lightbulb moment! I guess understanding disability support for my son for autism should he be diagnosed and need support is a tricky one. He already receives disability support for a vision impairment so I guess I’m wondering if a diagnosis would help there at all unless there is some specific type of support he would receive for autism that he doesn’t already. Apart from that I suppose I am wondering if a diagnosis is worthwhile solely for self understanding. I believe I would have liked to have been diagnosed earlier for that purpose but don’t know what other effects a diagnosis might have had. maybe I am overthinking the whole thing.

  • I would imagine that disability support for someone with autism would be different than for someone with a vision impairment. Is there anyone at the school that you could ask about this? The other thing that springs to mind is that someone I know whose teenage boy has Asperger's. He goes to a social skills group once a month with other ASD children which helps him to develop his social skills. Maybe phone the helpline on this website to ask what support he would be entitled to if he had a diagnosis?

  • I would imagine that disability support for someone with autism would be different than for someone with a vision impairment. Is there anyone at the school that you could ask about this? The other thing that springs to mind is that someone I know whose teenage boy has Asperger's. He goes to a social skills group once a month with other ASD children which helps him to develop his social skills. Maybe phone the helpline on this website to ask what support he would be entitled to if he had a diagnosis?

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