From "professional" to "autistic"... where do I go now?

I am qualified to help others, yet, I have been unable to do so since my diagnosis.

  • What were you qualified to do out of interest? Were you struggling in work before you were diagnosed?

    I see in another comment you have said you don't miss it. Do you not miss the job you were doing or do you not miss working?

    Do you want to work again and just don't have the confidence or are you happy with how things are now?

    Sorry for all the questions. I just find it easier to reply when I know more detail.

  • I don't miss some of the people I was working with. Yes, I was struggling in my workplace... hence me choosing to leave... before I was then diagnosed...

Reply Children
  • I feel v isolated with this 'new' diagnosis. My family don't really 'get it' and tend to say "Don't be silly!" My cmht are stepping away. My autism counselling appointments are much less than monthly.

    I am amazingly skilled at pushing people away though... I can create a reason to repel any help offered.

    I cannot stand people getting close to me. Yet...

    I think it's a trust thing!!?!

  • People - so commonly the problem with autism and the work place.

    I guess it depends on how you feel now. If you wanted to get back into work there are many options. You don't have to follow the same career as you did before if you don't want to (you don't have to follow any career if you don't want to). With a diagnosis you can get reasonable adjustments. Some people opt to work from home or work shorter hours.

    Whatever you decide to do, take your time. Don't rush yourself into something you are not going to be happy with.