From "professional" to "autistic"... where do I go now?

I am qualified to help others, yet, I have been unable to do so since my diagnosis.

  • A diagnosis can really destroy your confidence when you thought you were doing ok (with a few problems) and all of a sudden, you're told you're 'faulty'.

    I'm a nerdy engineer in a niche industry so my diagnosis explained to me why I hate people interferring with me so much.   Their lack of ability and muddled thinking used to really grind my gears.

    I knew that I was still the same person - but my dealings with others 'needed work'.

    I was lucky that I could avoid people most of the time with my job - which no-one understood or could help me with anyway.

    What areas of your job have you lost confidence with?

    Are there any side'jobs and support roles available to you that would better suit your frame of mind and allow you to feel useful again?

  • Thank you for replying x

    I've now been out of my job for... 3 yrs... wow - time flies!! I completely lack the confidence to go back in to it. I don't miss it at all.

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