Hi all, would appreciate your opinions

Hello!  My names Sarah and I have a question for you all.  Could someone be autistic and not recognise it?  My son (he's in his late 20's) definitely shows traits.  He fixates on things and is meticulous about facts, he will look up words you use and quote you the dictionary definition in the middle of a conversation especially when trying to prove a point.   He has a massive capacity for learning and absorbing information, he can quote back to you a conversation word for word.  He doesn't recognise social prompts or body language, even when told clearly to go away and stop talking he will ignore it and continue to 'quote' fact at you.  I have mentioned to him that I think he needs to go to the GP as I feel he may be on the spectrum, three days later he came back to me with so much information as to why he definitely isn't on the spectrum but has ignored everything I have pointed out about why I feel he is!!

There are problems at work with his work mates who continuously run out of patience with him and make snide comments about him.  I don't know how to move forward from here as he is adamant there is nothing wrong!  Advise please :)  Thank you in advance and sorry for waffling!!    

  • Yes. In my experience most definitely.

    I was diagnosed at 38, and didn't have the slightest clue. I kept having bouts of mental illness due to not knowing, having traits, and symptoms, but just plowing on through life.

    My GP told me to do the AQ test. I was well in the range for autism, and I went for an assessment. I have a couple of friends who have kids with autism, and had a girlfriend with AS in my 20's. I still didn't know how it all related to me, even though I'd been around it quite a bit. My biggest challenges are in the sensory realm, I do have social problems, but I thought it was something else. Mainly because of my unawareness about sensory problems at the time. I stim quite a lot, always have, but I didn't know about stimming.

    I went to the assessment not knowing what to expect, but a few months after the assessment, after gaining some knowledge, I was amazed to find out how much it had affected me. I learned new strategies to cope, and have started living a pretty different life. I feel much better for it.

    I recommend you get him to take the AQ test, as Blackbird said.

    Here's a link.


    I hope you both get some answers, when I got mine, life started to get a little easier.

  • Thank you for this, it is so interesting to hear other peoples stories, I guess it helps to know that one day he may seek answers to why he is as he is.  You can lead a horse to water................

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