My history

Was misdiagnosed in 2006 as schizophrenic.

GP “I have been informed you hear voices.”

me “who told you that?”

GP “I cannot legally tell you. Data Protection Act.”

me “my ears work fine, doc.”

GP “that is an affirmative agreement.”

me “no that’s not what I meant.”

GP “are you claiming that you deny hearing voices?”

me “yes”

GP “denial of schizophrenia is a secondary symptom.”

me “for a start, how could someone else know whether I hear voices unless they are telepathic, in which case...”

GP “on the basis you present multiple symptoms I am referring you to the local mental health team.”

me “this is ridiculous”

Thirteen years of social prejudice followed. The stigma of a schizophrenia allegation destroys lives. I did discover my narcissistic abusive mother had lied to the GP attempting to discredit me during my parents divorce proceedings. 

Today I was rediagnosed by a different team in a different county, who I have been seeing for several years. They say I’m autistic. I always suspected that but how can a person really know? It feels right. 

Finally I might actually get the help I do need. 

So, I joined this forum. 

  • (Beware - this is more support than a helpful answer in practicallity...)


    I was logging on for a different reason altogether, but I just happened to see this. This kind of Manipulation + Association + Deception... has a name/term in LEGAL circles, but I am not a Lawyer and so perhaps someone else here can say what it is (not exactly Slander) ...! This sort of Trickery is usually perpetrated not to the face of the person being tricked. I would like it if someone understood this sort of thing and could clarify it in legal terms...

    In short --- JO77, some else may give a better response than mine here to what you said, and until then I just offer support since I get this sort of thing all of the time and have trouble countering it too! 

    Have a Happy New Year - Keep your wits about you, and always remember whatever you yourself 'stand for', and stengthen that, no matter what "Flim-Flam" is blasted at you. Stay by people who support, rather than take you down. It is not fair, but I have had this happen to myself as well, so I offer you support, there. Get an Autism Diagnosis, certainly, and keep at it. (Also, put an Icon up there if you like.)

    Bye Bye.   

  • The word you are looking for is surreptitious. Very common when somebody makes a complaint to the Council they will never divulge the name of the person making the complaint.

  • Greetings to Nas38972. Your reply is meant for the best, and so I do Thank You... But this is not the word I am looking for.

    Surreptitious, ...including duplicity, obfuscation, prevarication, filibuster, and subterfuge... these are just long descriptive words for what is said, there. In a way, the Government is running a SCAM or is CONNIVING - but no-one is really allowed to say that about them...!

    When I meant "Legal" Term, I meant exactly that. For example, when a Shop has something costing £5.99, but for an hour or a day, puts the price up to £13.99... JUST so that after that they can put enticing price stickers declaring "Half Price! Bargain! Was £13.99! Now £5.99! Less than half Price!" to gain more interest + sales...
    The Legal Term for this is "Price Fixing".

    That is what I mean. (It is a tough thing to find out Legal Terms for scams, but sorry that is the only Legal Term for a Scam that I know of. There are other scams, such as 'providing Faulty Goods to charge lots of money in repairs'... but I do not know the terms for them.)

  • Greetings to Nas38972. Your reply is meant for the best, and so I do Thank You... But this is not the word I am looking for.

    Surreptitious, ...including duplicity, obfuscation, prevarication, filibuster, and subterfuge... these are just long descriptive words for what is said, there. In a way, the Government is running a SCAM or is CONNIVING - but no-one is really allowed to say that about them...!

    When I meant "Legal" Term, I meant exactly that. For example, when a Shop has something costing £5.99, but for an hour or a day, puts the price up to £13.99... JUST so that after that they can put enticing price stickers declaring "Half Price! Bargain! Was £13.99! Now £5.99! Less than half Price!" to gain more interest + sales...
    The Legal Term for this is "Price Fixing".

    That is what I mean. (It is a tough thing to find out Legal Terms for scams, but sorry that is the only Legal Term for a Scam that I know of. There are other scams, such as 'providing Faulty Goods to charge lots of money in repairs'... but I do not know the terms for them.)

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