New here struggling with aggressive defiant 17 year old boy with gaming addiction

Hi we are new here and new to our local area. We have a 17 year old verbally aggressive and defiant boy with a gaming addiction of 7 years and no school attendance for the past 5 years. We would like to join a parent support group in Nottingham as we are desperate to connect to others in a similar situation. Meltdowns are now so disruptive that we are really struggling. Also our Aspie has refused the diagnosis and refuses all help. Please can anyone recommend a support group in the Nottingham area. Thank you 

  • It most certainly is not! A gaming addiction is just as bad as any other addiction. My 17 year is horrible and will not practice basic hygiene any longer. He doesn't even brush his teeth anymore.. 

  • It most certainly is not! A gaming addiction is just as bad as any other addiction. My 17 year is horrible and will not practice basic hygiene any longer. He doesn't even brush his teeth anymore.. 

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