Newly diagnosed with ASD Aspergers profile this morning


this is my first post on here. I Had the ADOS and psychiatric assessment this morning and was told that I have ASD/Aspergers, which I have suspected for a while.

part of me is frustrated that I wasn’t diagnosed as a child (I’m 37 now) and that I missed all the early intervention stuff.

part of me is relieved as it explains so much of how my life has been and the difficulties I have had. I guess now I know for definite what the issue is I can try to manage symptoms. I’ve been working through a social skills book the last few months which has helped so much. I really wish that I’d had that book 30 years ago, a step by step guide to social interaction, it would’ve saved me a lot of rejection.

mainly I’m feeling numb and not sure how I should feel.

Anyone else freshly diagnosed or awaiting diagnosis out there?

  • Hi Kitsun

    It is interesting reading how others recently diagnosed are feeling , I was diagnosed a week ago today.

    Once it was suggested that I may be autistic it took a while for me to accept it was maybe true but I didn’t want to convince myself one way or another before I knew for sure, maybe that was wrong as I don’t think I have taken the diagnosis very well.

    When i went last week to get the outcome I was really nervous and didn’t take anything in and didn’t really feel anything. I’m now a week in and feel a bit nothingish ( I no that’s not a word but I can’t find one that describes what I feel) I have not spoken to anybody and have isolated myself, hopefully this will change. 

    I hope ur diagnosis has helped and helps moving forward 

  • I'm 38 and have only recently stumbled upon the fact that I'm an aspie through happenstance. I am also undiagnosed. I'm finding a huge sense of satisfaction in the fact that other people have shared similar experiences. I also find myself wishing I had realized sooner in life.

    Years of masking masquerading as normal with private meltdowns led to years of burnout masquerading as depression. So much of the utter confusion growing up makes sense in retrospect and I hope this better understanding of myself helps me going forward.

    What does the process of acquiring a diagnosis consist of?

    Is your diagnosis something you've decided to share with friends and family?

  • I have just been diagnosed as ASC. At the assessment they mentioned having an aspergers profile but that they don't diagnose that any more. I felt similar to you, I was relieved and happy, then bitter at not being diagnosed as a child and then just didn't really know what I felt or what to feel.

    I'm interested that the social skills booklet helped you. I've never had much faith in stuff like that.

  • I am not diagnosed but just wanted to reassure you, well let you know, the emotions will change often as you go over everything, they will reach extremes, but part of it is understanding why. Also coming to terms that most of it wasn’t your fault. Meaning whatever you were blamed or bullied for. 

    Learn to love yourself, you are not wrong , like me you are wired differently right.

    we are the minority so when we don’t fit we are seen as wrong, not so, 

    I would love to be in a quite room with only autistic people there, ok old wounds would show as we slowly start to drop our masks, but we here do understand all the things which held us back. 

    Take care and be gentle on yourself. 

    Aspie virtual hug for free, ()