9 year old son

I have 9 year old son who has not been dignosed with anything yet these are a few of the signs he has 

 1.Negative when thinking

2. Every emotial at school and at home

3. Has what i call meltdowns with his emotions

4. Cant express how hes feeling get upset and frustrated

5. Does not relate to children his age

6. Need to be told put clothes on ect

7. Needs to be told every day what hes doing what hea having for dinner ect

8. He is also dyslexic

9.needs help tieing shoes

10. Cant go places in a drop of a hat gets really upset

If anyone thinks he has some signs let me know thanks Aarons mum x

  • My daughter presents with a lot of these behaviours, almost all actually. She is 8 and was diagnosed around 3 months ago.

    Go with your gut instinct and if your worried take him the gp.

    Good luck with everything xx

  • My daughter presents with a lot of these behaviours, almost all actually. She is 8 and was diagnosed around 3 months ago.

    Go with your gut instinct and if your worried take him the gp.

    Good luck with everything xx

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