Newly diagnosed


I’m 55 married women with 2 grown up married daughters and 2 grandsons. I have just had my report feed back from my assessment. 

I am relieved to finally understand my life. I have had problems with friendship,family and work colleagues all my life . School was hell and i was seen at the child physiology unit at my local hospital in the mid 1977 and was told I had anxiety and panic attacks . 

I decided to look at autism as a possibility 2 years ago after my eldest grandson stayed having problems at school with mixing with other children that sounded very familiar to ne and the school asked my daughter about referring for assessment earlier this year . 

I hope that i will be able to be there for him helping to find help and support through life that i would of loved at the time.

my husband has been my biggest help since we have been together since he was 17 and i was 19 so 36 years of marriage my mother said he would need the patience of a saint to put up with me and he does . He has made life with him and my daughters so much better than I could of hoped for even when my mega meltdowns have caused huge problems. 

I would still prefer not to mix , socialise or go out if it wasn’t for my close family. 

I always never no when to shut up 

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