New here

I set up an appointment in a few weeks to talk to someone about an autism assessment. 

I'm 48, F and in the USA. 

I am second guessing the appointment. I dont want to spend 1000+$ if im not likely to fit ASD. 

How many people actually are ADS that figure that out themselves? 

My husband said something twice in a week about me being autistic, he is a counselor and routinely sees clients with ASD. So, i googled it and feel there is a fair chance i do fit the asd traits. He could be wrong though. We didnt discuss it further. 

IdI like to know. But then maybe I wouldn't. 

Is there something that i can do to or know that will help me decide if an assessment is the right step? 



  • Thanks for the article. I'll have a look at it. I've always never fit in, figure i just thought differently, neurotic, and maybe a bit of social anxiety. But it seems that now that i aam aware of the specific traits, things to look for, it feels overwhelmingly apparent that i im likely some degree of ASD. 

    Im in the middle of my work day. So ill catch up again in a bit. 

    I scored 12/80 on the EQ. 

  • Hi again Lisa,

    Forgot to say I've wondered for the last 20 years if I might be autistic. The motivation for getting assessed now is that I've become acutely aware of the huge effort I have to make to do things which NT people do reasonably effortlessly.

    I've been masking my autistic self for a very long time now and it's getting harder as I age. I'm glad my mask is slipping because I'm finally rediscovering my authentic self.

    I probably don't even need a formal diagnosis. Just being part of this online community makes me feel I have come home at last. 

    Some people have autistic traits which don't have a negative impact on their lives. If I had been in that category I would probably not have pursued a formal diagnosis.

    It's an exhausting and expensive process! 

    With best wishes 


  • Hi Lisa

    I'm 58 F and in the UK and I've just started the autism assessment process.

    Here's a link to a resource about how autism presents in women which I found helpful:

    I'm not sure what the USA assessment process is - it varies quite a bit here in the UK.

    My assessment is going to be made up of the following components:

    • Initial discussion meeting with clinical psychologist (already completed)
    • AQ/EQ questionnaires
    • Full developmental history (interview with me and clinical psychologist)
    • Development history questionnaire (completed by my parents / siblings)
    • ADOS observation (involving two clinical psychologists) 
    • Report on findings
    • Feedback meeting with clinical psychologist to discuss report 
    • 3 x follow-up sessions with clinical psychologist to provide advice / support 

    Depending on how things go I have been told extra components may be added (e.g. speech and language or cognitive assessment). 

    It all seems very thorough. 

    With best wishes 


  • Thanks! I've done the AQ and scored 50 if i remember correctly, >32. 

    I'll look at the EQ. 

  • You could try the AQ and EQ tests for adults which are available here:

    Both myself and my partner were pretty sure before our assessments that we were.