Hello looking for people to talk to

I am a massive ps4 fan but having trouble with my soical skill and need some help as feel very alone and i am also  having a lot of trouble at work fitting in even though i been there a long time.

  • Welcome to the forum Dragon.  What games do you like on the PS4?  I tend to be a PC gamer and I mostly like strategy type games and RPGs with a good story. I'm just about at my 10 year anniversary in my current job but much of that time has been one form of struggle or another.  I've recently concluded that I need to find something else to do where I'm more in control of my own destiny, working conditions, colleagues etc. 

  • I play mostly elder scroll online and just started playing assassin creed Odyssey Which is really good what do you play on pc? I try and stay in soical jobs so people have to talk to me , they Don't know i have aspergers as i wanted to be treated like everyone else but its so stressfull i somtimes throw up on shift but i have to work just so that someone will say hello to me. Sorry about my bad spelling and  writing 

  • In recent history I've played SWTOR, Elder Scrolls Online, XCOM 2, Guild Wars 2, Fallout 4, a bit of Kerbal space programme, Total War: Shogon 2 - in random order :-).  I tend to mostly play because I enjoy finding out the stories - once they start to get open ended I tend to stop because otherwise I find they can be massive time sinks.  I've not played any of Assassin's Creed games but from what I've heard they're supposed to be good.

    My current job has a lot of social interaction which I can cope with when things aren't too busy and I'm feeling well, but I find it tends to be draining.  After a while, especially when things are manic and everyone is clamouring for the things they want then I find it gets on top of me.  Then it's quite hard to get back on a stable footing.  So I tend to oscillate between these periods when everything is too much, and then everything is fine.

  • I think whether KSP is worth it or not depends on how much you get into it.  I'd suggest seeing if you can find a demo or something first.  There's loads you can do, plus a lot of mods and I think it's still being developed and growing.

    I can imagine the drive through can get very hectic?  In some respects that can be good - time goes quick, but in some respects bad - too full on for too long?

    I'm trying to think what to suggest on the friends side.  I agree with Emma though, trying to find some sort of club where there's a shared interest is where I'd be inclined to look.  Having that shared interest to talk about gets you over the initial hurdle where you don't know anybody that well, but you're not all that great at small-talk.  Once you've got some shared experiences then it tends to get a bit easier.

  • I have played fallout as well its good but I sometimes have to try to stop playing as can be on ps4 on my day off 24/7  i am thinking of trying the kerbal space program game is it any good?how i feel about my current job which is in the fast food industry on the drive through, its very hard all the nosie and everyone talking at once, i keep trying to make friends there i have tried reading body language books and social books they help a bit but i still tend to weird people out to much

  • It's not so much the social interaction itself that's the problem, as the nature of the social interaction.

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