New to this forum

Hello people, I am a 24 year old man from the north east who suffers from A among other things, thought I would see if any of the information on here is/will be relevent and help me in anyway, shame adults are just shoved out into the world by the system without a net and have to relay on google searches.

  • Welcome, Luke.

    shame adults are just shoved out into the world by the system without a net and have to relay on google searches.

    I was one of the lucky ones. I didn't have to do a Google search. My assessment was followed by a very comprehensive and thorough process of handing me a leaflet directing me to this very forum! Laughing

    (I had already joined months earlier, of course. Rolling eyes)

  • Well I was diagnosed very young in life and got loads of support but no prep for adulthood or after support

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