New to this forum

Hello people, I am a 24 year old man from the north east who suffers from A among other things, thought I would see if any of the information on here is/will be relevent and help me in anyway, shame adults are just shoved out into the world by the system without a net and have to relay on google searches.

Parents Reply Children
  • Well you won't get that here! I've only ever had that said by a few "neurotypicals", not that I was lying or faking but that I'm "not that Autistic". I'm not terrible at interacting with people and I think that that is why I get that reaction. I'm way down on the sensory spectrum though, so people don't see me when I'm feeling bad. I honestly don't know what reaction I'd give if another person on the spectrum had that reaction. It must be pretty frustrating!

    We generally get along here though. Some heated debates occasionally but no-one seems to take anything to heart. So feel free to discuss what you like.