Any experiences with the medication Aripiprazol (Abilify is the name it gets in Belgium)

I take this medication now for 2 weeks. I have to admit the results are astonishing. 

Going to IKEA was by me considered to be one of the forgotten levels of Dante's inferno... I did that today all by myself... no backlash yet...

I'm still a bit apprehensive... It's usually subscribed for schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression, borderline... and sometimes tried on Autists to lower the aggression...

Well, the aggression was there...  I'm not sure if it's gone. It's never been a major issue for me... For me major issues are

- taking things literally 

- making solutions too complicated and not seeing the obvious for others problem with that

- being perceived as arrogant and pedantic.

I really look forward to your experiences with this medication.

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  • They now have a system where - when you see a piece of furniture you covet - you have to ask somebody (queue included) to print you a page that contains the info to buy a certain article. You then pay for the article. At the time of payment your order gets picked and delivered in another checkout register (queue included). Not every piece of furniture is handled in this way, so you end up having to merge the stuff you got yourself with the stuff they picked for you... 

    It's fun preaching to the choir :). They also have furniture that comes in two boxes. So you can often go back to the shop to get in the other queue for customer support, so you can get box number two. 

    The devil is of course in the fact that once you get the flatpack home, it's fun screwing it together. It usually fits well, makes for a happy and light interior... and they always have the exact amount of screws, no reserve, none missing, very satisfying stuff. If they could just include an online shop... with delivery at your doorstep... oh well... fair enough...