Parents of children with suspected asd/traits

What do you do? i am fed up, i know i have wrote about this before, however i really am fed up, i think my son is struggling with the change from infants to juniors in school,his behaviour is worst than ever.

Every single night we are having meltdowns,as we always have but worst than ever.

My son is 7 we have no diagnoses,but there is plenty to suspect he has mild asd, sorry high functioning.

I have tried talking to school,however because of circumstances that are way beyond schools control and mine i would rather not mither. But have tried,but again without going into detail which i cant say its rather tricky.

I am not eating,not sleeping brilliantly,having headaches daily and genreally feeling wretched and i think its all through the sheer stress of having to be constantly on alert,not having much of a break,in fact no break what so ever.

I try as much as i can to avoid his triggers  and yet we still have a lot of behaviours.

This week hes been begging me to tell school he wont be going to church,he says its too noisy and boring?

Everything is constant,theres no break.

I have tried eating a little more today,i need to put some weight on,i need to do this for me,i need to be well,i am fed up with being on the verge of tears all the time.

A teacher in school a few months ago before september decided in her good wisdom to remove him from the sen register as he copes well in school, and he had all the help he needed, then it all went,i wasnt happy because i knew it wasnt right and i spoke to the senco she said he should be on it, why? i question myself so many times as a parent is it me? am i doing a terrible job?

Weve been in the system since my son was 2/3,seeing speech therapists,seing the audiologist who gave us a leaflet on hypercussis,seeing the pead, i am at the point now where i think whats the point?

I absolutely love my son too bits,i dont know what im trying to say,i just feel the need to vent. xxx

  • Hi - neither your son or you should have to be going thru this.  Those in authority should be ashamed of treating other human beings in need of assistance in such a way.  I'd go to the GP, explain about the need to get a formal assessment, explore the options. Try to get the GP well + truly onside so you must tell him/her about how you are as well.  As you'll know, if you can get a diagnosis then other help shd follow.  You have to keep on at it, however hard it is.  And, from the sound of your post, it is indeed v hard for both of you.  Have you any other support?  It is ridiculous that you may end up ill and/or on meds because you have been let down by the system.  Also check out the home pg for advice about diagnosis/statementing etc or the ipsea site.  Someone needs to take some of the pressure off for you + your son.  Are there any charitable organisations in your area who cd be helpful?  I really feel for you.  Many yrs ago I felt I was getting nowhere + nearly gave up.  Someone asked me if I'd done absolutely everything I cd possibly do, which made me think.  I realised I hadn't + threatened the local education authority with all sorts, inc going to the secretary of state if necessary.  In the end I got there.  I think in some areas of the country it's worse than it's ever been.   Chin up.

  • Hi - neither your son or you should have to be going thru this.  Those in authority should be ashamed of treating other human beings in need of assistance in such a way.  I'd go to the GP, explain about the need to get a formal assessment, explore the options. Try to get the GP well + truly onside so you must tell him/her about how you are as well.  As you'll know, if you can get a diagnosis then other help shd follow.  You have to keep on at it, however hard it is.  And, from the sound of your post, it is indeed v hard for both of you.  Have you any other support?  It is ridiculous that you may end up ill and/or on meds because you have been let down by the system.  Also check out the home pg for advice about diagnosis/statementing etc or the ipsea site.  Someone needs to take some of the pressure off for you + your son.  Are there any charitable organisations in your area who cd be helpful?  I really feel for you.  Many yrs ago I felt I was getting nowhere + nearly gave up.  Someone asked me if I'd done absolutely everything I cd possibly do, which made me think.  I realised I hadn't + threatened the local education authority with all sorts, inc going to the secretary of state if necessary.  In the end I got there.  I think in some areas of the country it's worse than it's ever been.   Chin up.

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