Your dream freezer contents

Imagine no restrictions of: budget, access to the shops, freezer space, other people's tastes or judgements (nor any other practical considerations such as storage durations).

If you had your dream freezer - what food or drink items would you love to magically discover when you next opened your freezer door?

A few categories to set the scene:

An indulgence of one's own: cider ice lollies (once bought with an elderly relative from the ice cream van in a distant much loved park).

A treat to share with a loved one: a homemade "emergency" loaf to ensure you can always share a toast breakfast together (without anyone needing to make a loaf or purchase one from a shop).

Something ready to entertain impromptu company: homegrown fruity chilli peppers (an easy homemade bowl of warming chilli may be vegan, vegetarian or con carne).

A comfort food: petit pois peas (revive a childhood meal or explore a new recipe).

The promise of a day trip: items of your favourite picnic foods (maybe a homemade pate and garlic bread?).

Luxury item: dried barberries (transform mere basmati rice into a beloved dish).

  • As it's a dream, I'm pretending that the things I choose won't make me fat or give me.IBS, and some can be things you can't actually buy from the frozen food section:

    Chinese food exactly like you get from a takeaway

    Pizzas exactly like those from Dominoes

    Cornetto type ice creams

    Belgian cream buns

  • As it's a dream, I'm pretending that the things I choose won't make me fat or give me.IBS, and some can be things you can't actually buy from the frozen food section:

    Chinese food exactly like you get from a takeaway

    Pizzas exactly like those from Dominoes

    Cornetto type ice creams

    Belgian cream buns

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