Your dream freezer contents

Imagine no restrictions of: budget, access to the shops, freezer space, other people's tastes or judgements (nor any other practical considerations such as storage durations).

If you had your dream freezer - what food or drink items would you love to magically discover when you next opened your freezer door?

A few categories to set the scene:

An indulgence of one's own: cider ice lollies (once bought with an elderly relative from the ice cream van in a distant much loved park).

A treat to share with a loved one: a homemade "emergency" loaf to ensure you can always share a toast breakfast together (without anyone needing to make a loaf or purchase one from a shop).

Something ready to entertain impromptu company: homegrown fruity chilli peppers (an easy homemade bowl of warming chilli may be vegan, vegetarian or con carne).

A comfort food: petit pois peas (revive a childhood meal or explore a new recipe).

The promise of a day trip: items of your favourite picnic foods (maybe a homemade pate and garlic bread?).

Luxury item: dried barberries (transform mere basmati rice into a beloved dish).

  • If it was magic, I'd fill it with all the things that cause me issues to eat, in the hope that the magic wouldn't let them bother me.

    Family in the USA had a huge freezer set to -27 which meant they could keep stuff for a really long time.

  • If it was magic, I'd fill it with all the things that cause me issues to eat, in the hope that the magic wouldn't let them bother me.

    You took that thought out of my head and put it on paper (well, almost paper).

    I couldn't answer this as all the things I'd want I couldn't eat.

    Also, I don't like freezers - they confuse me.

    I prefer fridges.

    Good idea for a thread though.

  • If it was magic, I'd fill it with all the things that cause me issues to eat, in the hope that the magic wouldn't let them bother me.

    You took that thought out of my head and put it on paper (well, almost paper).

    I couldn't answer this as all the things I'd want I couldn't eat.

    Also, I don't like freezers - they confuse me.

    I prefer fridges.

    Good idea for a thread though.
