Is everyone going mad including me?

Is it just me or are we all going collectively insane or something? Is this the spiritual awakening of humanity or something like that? I feel like it’s all a bit mad. I mean they’re talking about the temperature getting to 50*C here in the UK. Then I was walking down the street and I seen a guy drinking a beer behind the wheel of his car. I have never seen anything like this before in my life. I was on the bus and a guy just straight up sparked up a joint on the bus and smoked the whole thing and nobody said anything. I honestly didn’t really care either I don’t think anybody else did either I have my own crazy stuff going on to be bothered caring about it. Then it’s like everyday some new unbelievable thing is happening on the news. Nothing would surprise me anymore. I know absolutely nothing anymore. Does anyone else feel like we’re all in a mad world that just keeps getting madder by the second? Then it’s like the music these days is completely mad in a good way I dunno what it is but I listen to uptempo hardstyle techno music and it just blows me out of the water to be honest. I see the strangest things in this world I really do. I don’t have any concept of what normal is anymore. Is this real? It sure feels like a dream I am in. 

  • Madness is subjective.

    Having said that, what I do feel, is this collective sense that everyone seems to know the world is mad and readily accepts it. Black Mirror. I am of course talking from a particular viewpoint of a particular demographic of the one I am in. Others around the world may disagree.

    We are knowingly trashing the only environment we have. For what? What other animals take more than they need?  We are being screamed at by external forces that the balance is off. The balance will be restored eventually,  one way or another. 

  • We are knowingly trashing the only environment we have. For what?

    The answer seems to be "because we can".

    The balance will be restored eventually,  one way or another. 

    Or we make it so bad we have to eventually head off planet and find somewhere else to do the same to if we don't learn from our mistakes. This way only the rich and powerful can go (as they can afford to pay Elon) and they get to keep their mindset, all their power and begin afresh to repeat history.

    There have been so many sci-fi books written on the subject that the options are fairly obvious and our global lack of responsibility is just not happening. We are the cancer that is destroying the planet and having a few good cells won't matter when there are billions of bad ones more than outweighing what we can do.

    Kind of depressing when you look at it.

  • We are knowingly trashing the only environment we have. For what?

    The answer seems to be "because we can".

    The balance will be restored eventually,  one way or another. 

    Or we make it so bad we have to eventually head off planet and find somewhere else to do the same to if we don't learn from our mistakes. This way only the rich and powerful can go (as they can afford to pay Elon) and they get to keep their mindset, all their power and begin afresh to repeat history.

    There have been so many sci-fi books written on the subject that the options are fairly obvious and our global lack of responsibility is just not happening. We are the cancer that is destroying the planet and having a few good cells won't matter when there are billions of bad ones more than outweighing what we can do.

    Kind of depressing when you look at it.
