Feeling alone

When you feel alone what do you do? (As in alone as an autistic). I am a mum so hardly ever alone haha

also sometimes i just want to be by myself, even without my partner. Does anyone feel this? He never understands me & probably never will

  • Reach out to other autistic parents struggling to cope. there are quite a few here on the forum.

    It can be exhausting to always try to be understood, to long for accommodation and then to receive a dismissive reception (if that's what you're getting).

    It can make you feel like the burden of adjusting is on all on you. Can you communicate this to your husband? Are you able to negotiate for alone time, some outside of the house time, even just to a park bench across the street time? 

    Maybe what your wanting is to feel less alien and more understood. This is another kind of loneliness. It can be soul crushingly lonely to try and fail to be understood over ad over among the people you spend the most time with.

    I hope you can find friends here on the forum. There are quite a few autistic parents here and you may find a great deal in common with them to talk about. You've reached out, that's the first step. You could even start a thread about being an autistic parent!



    Here is a book also about women (I am making a presumption here, pardon any offense.)

    Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    by Sarah Hendrickx


    Autism in Heels: the Untold Story of a Female Life on the Spectrum

    by Jennifer Cooke O'Toole

    I havent readthis last one but NYT's best sellers listed, so..

  • Thank you so much! This has really helped! I will try and speak to some autistic parents on here. I will also check out the books. Thank you so much for your help and understanding :)

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