Yoga and Autism

I normally link negative experiences to the fact that I’m autistic and tend to think about how I struggle with things. 

Gyms are places I find overwhelming, bright lights, lots of people, no idea what I’m actually doing. 

I’ve found a gym with soft lighting, who gave me a timetable of times the gym is generally less busy and took the time free of charge to show me equipment I would realistically use. 

I have now attended a few yoga classes with the same instructor who without prompt, changes the lights from spotlights, does not use music, switches on and off the AC so there is limited noise and it is only on when required. 

He also does not give vague instructions about breathing and is literal in the timings and gives options for you to find which rhythm suits you best. He does a meditation at the end where he talks quite literally and tells you to think of situations where you believed you felt (.e.g joy, proud, safe) and asks you to recognise what you physically feel in your body to help recognise these emotions and generate them. 

I hope that as there is more awareness and acceptance that more gym instructors will operate this way as I used to believe that I hated all forms of exercise. 

I wondered if there is any other autistic females who enjoy physical fitness who are able to share what works for them and how to communicate this so I could perhaps find more things that I enjoy. 

  • I enjoy it very much. the older I get the more rewarding it feels. The noise of the music i can manage with NC tech when I near the speakers. It would otherwise drive me out. Some times  Ican get them to turn the volume down.  I used to go the the exercise class but it got to crowded and the core group who I knew were out nubered by new seasonal people were too much.

    So I do my own thing and its actually a better workout.

    people at he gym are ,overall great as they are all there focusing on their own process. It's a lot like parallel play. I go X3weekly.

  • I enjoy it very much. the older I get the more rewarding it feels. The noise of the music i can manage with NC tech when I near the speakers. It would otherwise drive me out. Some times  Ican get them to turn the volume down.  I used to go the the exercise class but it got to crowded and the core group who I knew were out nubered by new seasonal people were too much.

    So I do my own thing and its actually a better workout.

    people at he gym are ,overall great as they are all there focusing on their own process. It's a lot like parallel play. I go X3weekly.

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