Vaccines/learning disabilities: eligibility

I'm confused.

I've been invited for a 'flu vaccine even though I'm not within any of the vulnerable groups.

The invite states the '18-64 'at risk' group.

So, I just wondered whether autism is classed as a 'learning disability' with respect to this, as that is a 'vulnerable group' in the NHS list.

As far as I'm aware, autism is classed as a developmental disability but you can also have a learning disability with it.

Some do, some don't.

This has also set me wondering whether I will now be invited for a Covid vaccine on the same grounds.

Does anyone have any light to shed on this please (and has anyone else been unexpectedly invited to the Vaccine Party)?


Parents Reply Children
  • doctors absolutely hate us doing it, because we’re stupid and they know far better, while they reach for a book on the shelf above their desk because they have no idea what’s wrong with you. 


    They can be so patronising.

  • I agree, as long as you research properly- it’s put my mind at ease many a time! Though doctors absolutely hate us doing it, because we’re stupid and they know far better, while they reach for a book on the shelf above their desk because they have no idea what’s wrong with you. 

    *Im sure there are some great doctors, I just haven’t met one yet. 

  • didn’t mean to infer that you hadn’t researched it btw :)

    I didn't take that inference, but thanks Blush

    Yes, that's one of the blessings of the internet - that we can educate ourselves.

    I find the internet particularly wonderful with regard to health problems.

    I hate GP contact and, as I know a lot of people here do, avoid it wherever I can.

  • I didn’t mean to infer that you hadn’t researched it btw :) When I posted here people seemed to think it was a mistake and I should phone my surgery. I don’t particularly like having to contact them so decided to try and find out for myself Joy 

  • I’ve just looked back through my text messages and I was invited in November last year for covid. I didn’t get offered a flu vaccine though. 

  • Thanks.

    I did some searching too.

    I also wondered whether although there are government guidelines, individual health authorities have some leeway regarding who gets them and who doesn't.

    There's been some useful feedback on this thread, and it will be interesting to see if anyone else gets an invite.

  • It could potentially be down to individual surgery’s whether they put you on the list, I’m not sure. I know they won’t be offering the covid vaccine to as many groups as they did previously. Might be worth emailing your surgery to ask.

    I should add, it was only down to my extensive searching on autism and covid that I found a paper suggesting we are more likely to have comorbidities and could potentially have worse symptoms, so I came to that conclusion myself.