PIP rejection.

I really must vent, today I received my PIP decision.

I request a telephone assessment due to some of my perhaps shared autistic traits, in the assessment I divulged the most intimate aspects of my life, how my Autism effects my life in the most detrimental way.

I explained about my Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and my overwhelming anxiety and stress that damages my health and life in general.

I must say this assessment left me feeling very vulnerable, something I rarely admit to being, I have spent my adult life coping as best I can mimicking NT life and accepted norms to the best of my abilities.

Being at the age I am now it is detrimental to my health and well-being to continue as I have, which quite honestly dispite my best efforts has left me penniless and dependent.

So I plucked up the courage for the second time and request a personal independence Payment from the DWP.

The letter I received from the DWP today left me shaking with rage not just because I was rejected but for how they rejected me.

In the most intentional way, what I had communicated had been ignored or twisted.

With a grand total of 2 points for the entire assessment,  I truly feel dehumanised and dismissed by the whole thing.

  • I’m sorry to hear that, they are bastards. I received the same treatment in the past.

    Unfortunately it’s down to you to do the hard work.

    If you haven’t appealed, then appeal and if that fails take it to the tribunal. In my experience when I’ve done that, they’ve always backed down and awarded me what I truly deserve.

    They make it as difficult as possible for claimants knowing full well that their decision will be accepted by most and not appealed!

    I know it’s incredibly stressful but keep appealing and if you have documentation to support your diagnosis and anything related to your health, get letters of support if you can. Also, did you complete the form yourself, maybe get someone who knows the procedure.

    I always help my niece complete hers and so far we’ve been successful after earlier rejections.

    They don’t like it up them, so keep putting it up them!

    Hope this helps.

  • I’m sorry to hear that, they are bastards. I received the same treatment in the past.

    Unfortunately it’s down to you to do the hard work.

    If you haven’t appealed, then appeal and if that fails take it to the tribunal. In my experience when I’ve done that, they’ve always backed down and awarded me what I truly deserve.

    They make it as difficult as possible for claimants knowing full well that their decision will be accepted by most and not appealed!

    I know it’s incredibly stressful but keep appealing and if you have documentation to support your diagnosis and anything related to your health, get letters of support if you can. Also, did you complete the form yourself, maybe get someone who knows the procedure.

    I always help my niece complete hers and so far we’ve been successful after earlier rejections.

    They don’t like it up them, so keep putting it up them!

    Hope this helps.

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