PIP rejection.

I really must vent, today I received my PIP decision.

I request a telephone assessment due to some of my perhaps shared autistic traits, in the assessment I divulged the most intimate aspects of my life, how my Autism effects my life in the most detrimental way.

I explained about my Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and my overwhelming anxiety and stress that damages my health and life in general.

I must say this assessment left me feeling very vulnerable, something I rarely admit to being, I have spent my adult life coping as best I can mimicking NT life and accepted norms to the best of my abilities.

Being at the age I am now it is detrimental to my health and well-being to continue as I have, which quite honestly dispite my best efforts has left me penniless and dependent.

So I plucked up the courage for the second time and request a personal independence Payment from the DWP.

The letter I received from the DWP today left me shaking with rage not just because I was rejected but for how they rejected me.

In the most intentional way, what I had communicated had been ignored or twisted.

With a grand total of 2 points for the entire assessment,  I truly feel dehumanised and dismissed by the whole thing.

  • Ask for a Mandatory Review (MR) and if that’s not successful go to a Tribunal. Your chances should improve ar each stage. It’s not personal - DWP are capable of ignoring any and all medical evidence.

  • Ask for a Mandatory Review (MR) and if that’s not successful go to a Tribunal. Your chances should improve ar each stage. It’s not personal - DWP are capable of ignoring any and all medical evidence.

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