
Hi there

Has anyone tried homeopathy on their autistic kids? I am doing it at the moment with my 8 years old son but I don't know anyone that has tried with success or not. I would like to hear any point of view. We are using a kind of homeopathy called Isotherapy to treat the possible causes of his autism, starting by detox the vaccines he had as a baby and working our way up. Also having remedies for his behaviors, obsessions (lots at the moment). It is early days but I hope it can help. Thanks for your comments.

  • Hi - I've never tried homeopathy of any kind so cannot comment from personal experience.  From what I've read over the yrs it's always seemed illogical that something so weak can have any effect.  I've read disparaging remarks from scientists etc about it.  I cannot understand how it's supposed to work with detoxing vaccinations or dealing with genetics related to autism.  What convinced you to try homeopathy?

  • Hi - I've never tried homeopathy of any kind so cannot comment from personal experience.  From what I've read over the yrs it's always seemed illogical that something so weak can have any effect.  I've read disparaging remarks from scientists etc about it.  I cannot understand how it's supposed to work with detoxing vaccinations or dealing with genetics related to autism.  What convinced you to try homeopathy?

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