How many people here are both isolated and alone and also have the Christian faith?

I know we have a few really isolated people here, and I know we have a few Christians, but I'm interested to see if there many (or even any) who exist in both groups.

*EDIT* Thank you all for your answers. It's been a nice discussion to be a part of for once! It seems fair to say that the christian faith fro those who have it seems to help a bit in most cases, greatly in others, and fail for some. A common cause of "failure" seems to be a mis-selling of the basic message, the nature of which varies depending upon which imperfect human tried to give you the faith. The God I believe in, has given us everything we need to have a great life, if we can only just learn to use it right.

Most of us need to live a long life just to figure that out, then we die! 

  • Depends what you mean by isolated. I am married, but we are covid hermits, though he is increasingly reluctant about that. So we can't currently attend church in person and don't see many other people. Why are you asking? (meaning that as a genuine question not in any  passive aggressive sort of way, reading it back it seems abrupt but I don't know how else to put it!)

  • I’m interested in your description of yourselves as ‘Covid hermits’. Can I ask what you mean by that? Because in some ways I feel we are. 

  • For medical reasons I really don't want to catch covid because I have a higher than average risk of getting long covid and it has a higher than average chance of causing more than a little inconvenience. I don't want my arthritis made any worse and I don't have any energy to spare. I am not afraid to die, but the thought of my existence being reduced to being trapped in a pit of pain without even the distraction of study due to brain fog and being even more useless than now is worse than living a half life where I can still cycle and study and at least do online church and see friends online and outside. And it's not as if catching it once gives any protection, but rather the opposite, each time you catch it increases the chance of long covid, and also seems to make any colds worse too. Even long covid itself doesn't stop someone getting covid again and setting back any recovery from long covid even further!

    So it's online shopping and still washing what can't be quarantined, and avoiding going inside with others unless it is medically unavoidable, like blood tests, urgent dentistry and the vet now the cat is sick.

    Dad also doesn't want long covid. My husband would probably be OK himself but if he got it I don't see how I could avoid catching it from him.

  • During the early investigations into covid it was found the the severe respiratory part that was killing so many chinamen was due to their increased number of ace2 receptors which the virus was using to get a hold in the lungs.

    It was found that Zinc blocked the virus propagating that way, but it needed an Ionophore to get it where t needed to be, that was hydroxcloroquonone (not 100% sure I have ever spelling right)

    Later is was found out in india's uttar pradesh province that a more effective general remedy was found in Ivermectin, a common deworming medication that already has other off label uses. BOTH medications were thoroughly "discredited" by false testimony (which was eventually officially retracted long after the argument had been lost) and supporting information actually was censored  which I didn't think we were supposed to do in our "free democratic" countries... 

    Weird times, they really are...

  • That nearly did happen. In Madagascar. Antibiotic resistence is making us a lot more vulnerable to bacterial diseases again 

  • If I do give it a go I'll try and remember to tell you, but with my poor executive functioning I might not get to it right away and may well forget to let you know even if I make a note to... I do apparently have ADHD as well!

    I have been taking vitD for a while now but not really noticed any effects. Must make a note of the Vicks tip for my husband!

    having the actual useful (but prohibited) meds to hand

    Which ones and how might they be obtained? Without resorting to the dark web... or is it not possible? Send me a pm if you don't want to say here.

  • My mum took supplements religiously for her low energy and breathlessness till the day her heart gave out. Nothing she took would have done her as much good as giving up smoking though.

  • I'm in a similar situation, numerous forms of arthritis and other diseases (including lung diseases) put me in the official high risk category. Then I got cancer, I'm still having treatment. I especially need to avoid catching Covid because the effects would be terrible for me.

    Therefore, I'm still shielding. I only go out for medical appointments that cannot be handled over the phone because I need to be examined, plus I go for scans and tests. I always wear a mask, sanitise my hands and observe social distancing. I just went to a major hospital in London and I was appalled and anxious because nearly all people (hospital staff and patients) were not wearing masks. Two women sitting near me were not wearing masks - and coughing!

    Stay safe Grinning 

  • I'm in a similar situation, numerous forms of arthritis and other diseases (including lung diseases) put me in the official high risk category. Then I got cancer, I'm still having treatment. I especially need to avoid catching Covid because the effects would be terrible for me.

    Therefore, I'm still shielding. I only go out for medical appointments that cannot be handled over the phone because I need to be examined, plus I go for scans and tests. I always wear a mask, sanitise my hands and observe social distancing. I just went to a major hospital in London and I was appalled and anxious because nearly all people (hospital staff and patients) were not wearing masks. Two women sitting near me were not wearing masks - and coughing!

    Stay safe Grinning 
