How many people here are both isolated and alone and also have the Christian faith?

I know we have a few really isolated people here, and I know we have a few Christians, but I'm interested to see if there many (or even any) who exist in both groups.

*EDIT* Thank you all for your answers. It's been a nice discussion to be a part of for once! It seems fair to say that the christian faith fro those who have it seems to help a bit in most cases, greatly in others, and fail for some. A common cause of "failure" seems to be a mis-selling of the basic message, the nature of which varies depending upon which imperfect human tried to give you the faith. The God I believe in, has given us everything we need to have a great life, if we can only just learn to use it right.

Most of us need to live a long life just to figure that out, then we die! 

  • Oh, now I'm not Christian but I do recall seeing a very good youtube video on that very topic by a Scottish pastor. I can't remember his name now.  My friend who is a Christian Vicar sent it to me.  Try searching youtube for autism and religion

    Basically, he has family who are autistic and he was talking about autistic experience of religion.  Pointing out that services can be sensorily and socially difficult for autistic parishioners and advocating how the Church could accommodate and talking about how to include autistic people as part of the community even if they find services difficult to attend - basically, so that they are not isolated from the church.

    If I come across it again, I'll post the link

  • I would be really interested to see that video if you can find it

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