cant go out in the daytime plse help :(

hey my nme is justice,  i'v known i'v had autisem  for years  but never had  visual sensativoty  to light and noise  untill the past  couple years,   i cant  go out   i cant see the people  i want to or  go out  and hang  out like i want to .  i'm a prisner in my own home,    i can barly  walk  my dog enough,  i  got  perscription  sunglasses  and i even use an MP3 player   but its not  enough    i'm all out of idea's   plse help :(

  • I sympathise, although yours sounds even more extreme than mine.  I can't even bear bright colours, they hurt my eyes.

    My chiropractor recommended tinted lenses, so I got red tinted sunglasses that I wear the whole time I am out, whatever the weather.  They change the light rather than block it much.  You could try on different coloured tints in a shop that does sunglasses or something.

    You may find flexible silicone earplugs will be the best as they are made for people that work in noisy factories etc. and you can get them cheap on eBay.  There are also those ones that are like putty so you fit them exactly to your own ear.

    Read up on Mears Irlen Syndrome (also known as scotopic sensitivity).  I fit the criteria for this.

  • I sympathise, although yours sounds even more extreme than mine.  I can't even bear bright colours, they hurt my eyes.

    My chiropractor recommended tinted lenses, so I got red tinted sunglasses that I wear the whole time I am out, whatever the weather.  They change the light rather than block it much.  You could try on different coloured tints in a shop that does sunglasses or something.

    You may find flexible silicone earplugs will be the best as they are made for people that work in noisy factories etc. and you can get them cheap on eBay.  There are also those ones that are like putty so you fit them exactly to your own ear.

    Read up on Mears Irlen Syndrome (also known as scotopic sensitivity).  I fit the criteria for this.

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