Impending blood test

Hi. Looking for any advice  anyone may have. My son is due to have a blood test to check iorn levels but he is sooooo protective of himself he is unwilling for anyone to touch him, especially if he has hurt himself. We are going for introduction visit at the hospital but I'm still not convinced that when the time comes he will willingly let the blood taken. If anyone ahs any thoughts or suggestions  - please let mw know!

  • time will tell, be calm, get the person taking the blood to be extra kind and gentle to him, smile, talk about what you are going to do after the test, get an ice-cream or something nice.

    Failing all that, get the professionals to come up with a strategy to deal with it,, not your direct problem to worry about.

    Good luck

  • time will tell, be calm, get the person taking the blood to be extra kind and gentle to him, smile, talk about what you are going to do after the test, get an ice-cream or something nice.

    Failing all that, get the professionals to come up with a strategy to deal with it,, not your direct problem to worry about.

    Good luck

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