Why is finding healthy food so complicated

I have to be honest, I don’t know very much about what is healthy and nutritious for you, I grew up on sugary breakfast cereal, instant soup cans, and frozen pizza for most of my childhood. Now I’m a teen just trying to improve her health but there’s so much conflicting information out there. I thought I was being healthier by making coffee at home and using sugar free syrups in it instead of going to Starbucks every morning and starting my day with 300 liquid calories, but now I’m hearing that what I’m doing is apparently worse? And I thought buying the banza Mac and cheese boxes and pairing it with some broccoli was better than my usual Kraft Mac and cheese box but now I’m being told it’s not? And I thought eating a bunch of fruits and vegetables throughout the day surely would be healthy right??? But every one just says “too many carbs and sugars.” It just seems like every food I find that I think is healthy is apparently not, what am I supposed to eat??? It’s like there’s something wrong with every food on earth! I don’t know what to do, I just wanted to be healthier :(

  • Keep it simple would be my advice.  The less ingredients in a product then the better it will be for you. Fruit, veg, grains, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seed all have no ingredients so that is a good starting point.  There are so many different theories and my autistic brain likes to explore and try them all. Food has always been my THING.  However I always come back to what I like and what works best for my body and my budget. Low in fat and sugar is also sensible advice but doesn’t mean you can’t have any. Some of the strongest people in the world have existed on high carb diets so if carbs suit you then go for it. I know whole grains are better than white but personally I find that whole grains trigger my IBS so I stick to the white stuff. You have to do what’s best for you and just try and keep the basics as healthy as possible and indulge in a treat from time to time. I eat a lot of veg everyday but I love crisps so make an allowance for them a couple of times a week.   Hope you figure it out, try not to let it spoil things for you. Use your body and brain as a gauge.  Happy hunting.

  • Keep it simple would be my advice.  The less ingredients in a product then the better it will be for you. Fruit, veg, grains, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seed all have no ingredients so that is a good starting point.  There are so many different theories and my autistic brain likes to explore and try them all. Food has always been my THING.  However I always come back to what I like and what works best for my body and my budget. Low in fat and sugar is also sensible advice but doesn’t mean you can’t have any. Some of the strongest people in the world have existed on high carb diets so if carbs suit you then go for it. I know whole grains are better than white but personally I find that whole grains trigger my IBS so I stick to the white stuff. You have to do what’s best for you and just try and keep the basics as healthy as possible and indulge in a treat from time to time. I eat a lot of veg everyday but I love crisps so make an allowance for them a couple of times a week.   Hope you figure it out, try not to let it spoil things for you. Use your body and brain as a gauge.  Happy hunting.

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