Why is finding healthy food so complicated

I have to be honest, I don’t know very much about what is healthy and nutritious for you, I grew up on sugary breakfast cereal, instant soup cans, and frozen pizza for most of my childhood. Now I’m a teen just trying to improve her health but there’s so much conflicting information out there. I thought I was being healthier by making coffee at home and using sugar free syrups in it instead of going to Starbucks every morning and starting my day with 300 liquid calories, but now I’m hearing that what I’m doing is apparently worse? And I thought buying the banza Mac and cheese boxes and pairing it with some broccoli was better than my usual Kraft Mac and cheese box but now I’m being told it’s not? And I thought eating a bunch of fruits and vegetables throughout the day surely would be healthy right??? But every one just says “too many carbs and sugars.” It just seems like every food I find that I think is healthy is apparently not, what am I supposed to eat??? It’s like there’s something wrong with every food on earth! I don’t know what to do, I just wanted to be healthier :(

  • Hi :) I think it's more the overall diet that is healthy rather than an individual food. I think a good guide is to try and have some protein, carbs (best whole grain) and vegetables with every meal- if it has to be quick I find eggs are an absolute lifesaver- pair them with some bread/toast (maybe whole grain) and maybe some veggies with it (carrots are great- you can just eat them raw) and you have a healthy meal ready :). In the UK there are also a lot of healthy convenience options you can get- I find wraps or pitas (could be wholegrain if you wanted) great too- you can buy some ready cooked chicken pieces or prawns or any protein you like to put in them, then add veggies of choice (salad, carrot, peppers, cucumber, spinach leaves or tomatoes- raw or cooked) and maybe some avocado or yoghurt or any sauce you like to give it some taste - it's super convenient. If you like pizza you could also get some ready pizza bases and top them yourself to make it healthier- or even pitas or toast can be baked in the oven with some toppings for a quick fix. Also a rice cooker can be great if you like rice- you can pair rice with a stirfry or make egg fried rice- those are all things that take very little time. Not sure if any of these give you some ideas- I like everything that can be made in under 10 min ideally with as little washing up as possible ... 

  • Also you can make potatoes in the microwave in less than 10 minutes... just stab them a few times with a knife though so they don't explode, put them in a bowl and microwave until soft. 

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