Vegan food

I tried these today and loved them.

If you are a vegan, what do you have for lunch?

  • This is my logical mind setting to work. Imagine meat was human meat now then you would have me totally against it so why the hell would I want a pretend version that tasted the same as dead people....

    I had the same issue when my kids were eating vomit flavoured sweets and giggling about it while totally having a meltdown everytime they were ill and sick. What sort of weird is this?! Haha

  • That makes no sense unless you were a cannibal and it was socially accepable to eat other people....and everyone else did.

    Digging deeper down the rabbit hole....wait until vegans find out that plants are concious and have feelings too.....

  • I was making a point with human meat because I know the level of disgust from level of disgusting is eating human meat because I'm not grossed out by animal meat ...I was making a parallel 

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  • You're welcome and i understand.  It's normal to have differences of opinion, and i get the whole internet discussion thing.  It can get mixed up and go south really quickly....i often used to post what I thought was really funny in my head.....but in reality was quite offensive to other people.  I had to learn the hard Im careful what I write now, very careful.

    I always try to learn other points of view and not get set in my own "truths"....which may in fact no be true at all.....or try to force them onto people because at the end of the day, its just the ego wanting to be "right"....sure....there are blind facts that are wrong but also grey areas which cant be proven either way.

    At least you will be able to see the zombies in the dark with all those carrots you've consumed haha

  • Thankyou though, you have talked to me and even though we have different of opinions you haven't attacked me. I take on board other points of view. I like extra thought given to me. I really do say all I say with a tinge of humour. It's so hard on here to come across that way though. I really hope I don't have nightmares of zombies and dead human bodies otherwise I shall be munching carrots for breakfast haha ..Night x

  • Thankyou for the discussion. I honestly think I am fed up of saving the planet and all that jazz. The circle of life shouldn't be put on our shoulders.have you ever watched nature? It's brutal and they don't have the Internet to even feel bad about themselves. The burden was put on us and it shouldn't be. 

    It's my bedtime now and I want a pass from thinking ....everyone claims to know so much yet here we still are...

    Look into the behavioural scientists.

    • Zombie? I'm not sure if that's a real thing Thinking other than the government of course hehe
  • Be screwed if you turned into a zombie then Grinning