Making friends at university

I have started my second year at a small university. I didn't make any friends last year and now I am spending all my time on my own and I am feeling really bad about this. There are no clubs that do anything that I would be interested so I am spending all my time doing things on my own which is making me feel really down.

I have not had any friends in years and I used to feel ok about this but recently this has made me feel really down however I feel really anxious in social situations and I do not know how to start to make friends or even start to chat to people so I feel traped in a cycle.


  • Hi! I study at a small Uni as well and people are pretty snob there. At least for a weirdo like me. I don't go to clubs or parties because I can't stay long due to noise and/or lights. 

    I started sharing studying materials with some students and on some classes we also had working groups. that ended up helping in the end. Now I have two or three decent closer collegues.

    O also found a yoga class. It actually helped me with reducing my anxiety and the people there are so different and easy going. So tolerant. I feel really good around them. 

  • Hi! I study at a small Uni as well and people are pretty snob there. At least for a weirdo like me. I don't go to clubs or parties because I can't stay long due to noise and/or lights. 

    I started sharing studying materials with some students and on some classes we also had working groups. that ended up helping in the end. Now I have two or three decent closer collegues.

    O also found a yoga class. It actually helped me with reducing my anxiety and the people there are so different and easy going. So tolerant. I feel really good around them. 

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