Making friends at university

I have started my second year at a small university. I didn't make any friends last year and now I am spending all my time on my own and I am feeling really bad about this. There are no clubs that do anything that I would be interested so I am spending all my time doing things on my own which is making me feel really down.

I have not had any friends in years and I used to feel ok about this but recently this has made me feel really down however I feel really anxious in social situations and I do not know how to start to make friends or even start to chat to people so I feel traped in a cycle.


  • The best friend you can have is yourself.

    Whilst you are waiting for the world to come to you why not use Uni time to study the heck out of your chosen subjects, in becoming more professional you meet more like minded people...

  • The best friend you can have is yourself.

    Whilst you are waiting for the world to come to you why not use Uni time to study the heck out of your chosen subjects, in becoming more professional you meet more like minded people...

  • A piece of good advice I read was something like:

    Choose which world you want to belong to and someone like-minded will come along to join you there.

    What it means is, choose your area of interest and find a group of people who are also interested in that e.g. motor racing- work as an engineer/ mechanic. Needlework- work as some kind of sewing craft person. Babies and children- work as a nanny/ midwife/ nurse. In those worlds you'll find like-minded friends.

    This never occurred to me til recently!