Claiming Personal Independence Payment

I have made a claim for PIP based of the fact of my difficulties with things like making friends, lacking poorly in social skills which have had a big impact on my life in terms of being in longer term employment in recent years, coupled with an anxiety and mental health issues. I have in the last few years while being in and out of work built up lots of debt so perhaps I would have to admit I am not good at using a budget for example and spending within my means. 

Is it worth a shot going for the PIP assessment? 

Has anyone with autism made a successful claim based on purely mental capacity and no issues physically.

I can do things like cook for myself and I basically live on my own(albeit in my Mums property-who has been away for last four years having to care for elderly relative). 

Part of me feels this is all pointless and they would never see me as disabled in any way because physically there is nothing wrong with me really.. thoughts on this would be much appreciated? Should I bother going ahead with the phone call assessment?

Parents Reply Children
  • Though the Assessor might catch you out and make you say good things about yourself; like what happened me. Plus, the Woman meant to help me couldn't make it, as her son was at the Doctor's.

    The fakers will find some way to take advantage, however. The Cute have become Cuter.