For a little over ten years now I have found the process of obtaining vehicle insurance more and more time consuming, to the extent that it has become a real obstacle.

My problem is the endless questions, and the fixed / non applicable answers than mean if I fill in a form yesterday my bike insurance is 72 quid but today it is 142.

Yes, that just happened to me today, and I'm not spending another 2 months trying to get sensibly and approprietely priced insurance to drive a bloody vehicle.

I used to have an insurance broker and he answered the questions for me. And I never had to make a "choice" again!

I want that, not this horrible game of 20 questions x 6 rounds.

I'll take P.M's from anyone who has a professional interest and does not represent Adrian Flux insurance services.

  • Dealing with all those forms and the constantly changing prices can be exhausting. I know it. But having an insurance broker to handle everything for you sounds like a dream compared to the endless back-and-forth of questions and price fluctuations.
    I've been in a similar boat myself and recently came across Sundays Insurance. They seem to offer a more streamlined approach to insurance without all the headaches. If you're still searching for a solution, it might be worth giving them a look [link removed by moderator]. Hopefully, they can provide the assistance you need to navigate through the insurance maze without all the stress.

  • Dealing with all those forms and the constantly changing prices can be exhausting. I know it. But having an insurance broker to handle everything for you sounds like a dream compared to the endless back-and-forth of questions and price fluctuations.
    I've been in a similar boat myself and recently came across Sundays Insurance. They seem to offer a more streamlined approach to insurance without all the headaches. If you're still searching for a solution, it might be worth giving them a look [link removed by moderator]. Hopefully, they can provide the assistance you need to navigate through the insurance maze without all the stress.

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