For a little over ten years now I have found the process of obtaining vehicle insurance more and more time consuming, to the extent that it has become a real obstacle.

My problem is the endless questions, and the fixed / non applicable answers than mean if I fill in a form yesterday my bike insurance is 72 quid but today it is 142.

Yes, that just happened to me today, and I'm not spending another 2 months trying to get sensibly and approprietely priced insurance to drive a bloody vehicle.

I used to have an insurance broker and he answered the questions for me. And I never had to make a "choice" again!

I want that, not this horrible game of 20 questions x 6 rounds.

I'll take P.M's from anyone who has a professional interest and does not represent Adrian Flux insurance services.

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  • I attempted to, but it morphed into 220 quid during the phone call.

    That would be "why oh why..." And Adrian flux sold me reasonably priced van insurance last year then 2 months into the policy started asking extra previously unasked questions involving the van itself then changed their minds. The gave me three months free insurance, but it threw a spanner into a load of plans I had. I now take out DAILY insurance when I want to drive my van, drive a car as a named driver mainly but also wish to get my bike back into decent order, I started out just looking for the days insurance to cover the shakedown trip anc delivery to where the shock is to be refurbed, but now it's back to the grind of finding a sensible price for the year. I'll do it and it will be around 100 quid, but why oh why does there have to be so much dicking about on a "quest" first?

    I'm giving them "free money" FFS!!