For a little over ten years now I have found the process of obtaining vehicle insurance more and more time consuming, to the extent that it has become a real obstacle.

My problem is the endless questions, and the fixed / non applicable answers than mean if I fill in a form yesterday my bike insurance is 72 quid but today it is 142.

Yes, that just happened to me today, and I'm not spending another 2 months trying to get sensibly and approprietely priced insurance to drive a bloody vehicle.

I used to have an insurance broker and he answered the questions for me. And I never had to make a "choice" again!

I want that, not this horrible game of 20 questions x 6 rounds.

I'll take P.M's from anyone who has a professional interest and does not represent Adrian Flux insurance services.

  • go compare, go compare, when in doubt check it out, go compare! lol

    anyways price comparison sites usually pull up cheapest insurance deals. 
    and yeah i member my motorbike insurance was like 1k per year, bit too expensive, so i ditched my bike entirely, aint paying all that money per year, its like buying your bike each and every year, its daylight robbery.

  • Bike insurance using the webform was 72 quid, today (same webform) 142 quid, and after a 20 minute phone call £220.
    I do not want to play this game anymore...
  • ah always stick to the origonal quote, and make it known you will leave if the quote isnt honoured. i believe this is them bartering, they put cheap quote on site to win you as customer, then they raise it more and more and more like haggling... always stick to origonal quote though and get reference for it if possible and make sure they know you will leave and go elsewhere if they try and up that quote or change it. they still want you as customer, their origonal quote will do, or they can lose custom.

  • There simply should not be that much spread for one persons quote.

    To me that just illustrates how much they are providing unwanted financial dialysis to those members of the general public who will accept the first quote...

    In order to be safe I need to be able to spend more on actually maintaining the machinery & my skills, and less on bits of paper.

  • blimey well done u  Slight smile

  • Insurance rebuilt bikes for me a couple of times when I was a kid, and coughed up once when I had a BMW750 nicked so I may have won once.

    But the last time I laid up my Daimler for three years and tried to reinsure it, the first quotes were around 2250 quid and the final quote was 245...

    But it took me three months to get it...

  • Insurance has driven me to the poorhouse.

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